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English for fun #2

This week on a visit to Beijing, Bill Gate has shared some good news about the toilet, it might sound funny a little at first but this simple basic gadget truly has great impacts on human life.

If you are a long-time readers on his blog, it shouldn't be come as a surprise that in the past he even drank a bottle of water made from human feces in an effort to promote a program carried a theme "Reinvent the toilet challenge" which was launched in 2011.

This is the reason why this year he is so excited to travel halfway around the world and attend the Reinvented Toilet Expo in Beijing where some new toilet with the most high-technology in the world will be on display.

As he said the great thing about the toilets at expo is they have the potential to save millions of lives. Right now over half of the world's population are using unsafe sanitation facilities. He even pointed out that the waste isn't disposed of safely in some places where people have access to toilets or pit latrines just because the pathogens from the waste find their way in to the environment and make people sick.

The consequence of contaminated water is very badly, the disease caused by this can kill over 500,000 children under five years. For those who are strong enough to survive is still not be able to go to school as they are too sick.

The situation is better for people who live in level 3 or 4 country because most of toilets are using the sewer system. To date, sewers have been the best way to prevent waste from releasing harmful pathogens in to the local water supply.

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