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The one with essential linking words

When it comes to writing I used to think that if I try to read as much as possible I can then I can remember everything that I read and eventually my writing skills would become better over time.

But it turned out that I was totally wrong with this kind to technique. I didn't get any better with this learning method so until today when searching for something fun on Facebook I found out that what if I change to the way that I learn English a little bit, how about if I formulate all the English sentence structures. This is similar to math, you can solve all the exercises if you know all the formulas even the exercises aren't the same. 

In the coming weeks, I'll try to learn as many grammar points like these as possible, along with new contextual vocabulary and hope that I'll get good results

Keep on truckin'

1. Emphasis:

- Indeed

I don't mind at all. Indeed, I would be delighted to help.

- Definitely

- Obviously

Obviously, we don't want to spend too much money.

- In fact

I used to live in France; in fact, not far from where you're going.

- In particular

He loves science fiction in particular.

- Especially

- Clearly

- Important

- Admittedly

Admittedly, it is rather expensive but you don't need to use much.

- Generally

- Without doubt

Without doubt this was the most important relationship I developed at college.

- Never

- Undoubtedly

There is undoubtedly a great deal of truth in what he says.

2. Conclusion:

- Briefly to conclude
- In a nutshell
- In closing
- In review
- On the final note
- On the whole
- Summing up
- To end things off
- In the final analysis
- Overall
- To briefly paraphrase
- To come to the point
- Ultimately

3. Example:

- As revealed by
- Illustrated by
- In particular
- For one thing
- For example
- For instance
- Specifically
- This can be seen in
- An instance of this 
- That is
- Such as

4. Place:

- There
- Here
- Beyond
- Nearby
- Next to
- At the point
- Opposite to 
- On the other site
- In the front
- in/ at the back

5. Contrast:

- However
- Nevertheless
- On the other hand
- On the contrary
- even so/ though
- Notwithstanding
- At the same time
- Al(though)
- Otherwise
- Instead
- Nonetheless
- Conversely
- Alternatively
- In spite of 
- Despite

6. Time:

- Meanwhile
- Presently
- At last
- Finally
- Immediately
- Thereafter
- At that time
- Subsequently
- Eventually
- Currently
- In the mean time
- In the past

7. Summary

- In short
- On the whole
- in other words
- Clearly
- Anyway
- To sum up
- After all
- In general
- It seems
- In brief
- In conclusion
- In summary
- In recapitulate
- Lastly, Finally

8. Result:

- Hense
- Therefore
- Accordingly
- Consequently
- Thus
- Thereupon
- As a result
- In consequence
- So 
- Then
- It follows that
- Thereby
- In that case
- Admittedly

9. Addition:

- Further
- Furthermore
- Moreover
- In addition
- Then
- too
- Besides
- Again
- equally important
- Firstly/ Secondly
- Finally
- Last
- As well
- Along with
- Another
- Additionally

10. Comparison:

- Similarly
- Comparable
- In the same way
- Likewise
- As with
- Just as so too
- A similar (noun)
- Another (noun) like
- As
- For the same reason
- Similar to 
- Equally

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