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I want to start this post with a quote which goes "everything in the world starts small and then become bigger."

This quote is reminded me of the advice that my long-time teacher gave to all the students. He always emphasizes that people who become good at things do the basic well and they show off occasionally.

As a teacher who always strives for finding new effective approaches to help students with learning English and as a person living in an English speaking country, he noticed that native speakers (of any language) spending most of their time using clear and relatively simple language.  It is true from the fact that they might add/use/ "flourish" here and there, but it is rare to see/ meet a native speaker who always tries to express/make every sentence seem impressive.

He said that when a student comes to him and seeks advice, he always try to persuade them to aim for this native speaker style of speaking and writing. Learn how to speak and write in a clear, simple, accurate and coherent way. Leave the rhetorical flourishes to politicians and professional writers!

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