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The one with Redundant language

This is the easiest way to increase your band score in IETLS speaking.


- Not important.
- Not affect the meaning of the sentences.


To be able to increase the Fluency and Coherence. The answers that are used redundant language are clearly longer than a sentence that isn't used the redundant languages. As a result, it absolutely important for learners who lack of vocabulary and ideas.

Redundant language is usually put at the front of the sentence. If you try to practice them regularly, you can avoid losing your time for saying filler words, such as "um", "ah", and saving some time to think about the idea and vocabulary before you start speaking in a test.

Also,  using redundant language make your speaking sound more natural like a native speaker.


1. Speaking the truth

- Well, honestly speaking
- Well, frankly speaking
- Well, to be honest
- Well, to be frank
- From my point of view


*What do you usually do at your house?

Well, to be frank, I spend most of my time there. I do my homework, I chill out by listening to music, watching my favorite TV shows and dancing by myself. Sometimes, I also invite some of my friends to come and prepare home-cooked meals for them.

*Do you often look at yourself in the mirror?

Well, honestly speaking, I often spend hours in front of the mirror in my private room. This is an essential part of my day because I'm really concerned with my look.

2. Being sure about something / saying yes

- Okay, certainly
- Sure, obviously
- Well, it's safe for me to say that
- Needless  to say
- Yes of course


*Do you love learning new languages?

Sure, certainly, I admire learning new languages as communication bridges that enrich interpersonal skills between people.

*Do you prefer to wear comfortable shoes or beautiful shoes?

Needless to say, comfort is definitely the number one priority, so I would much prefer comfortable shoes. But that doesn't mean I don't care about how they look. you know, wearing ugly shoes would be pretty embarrassing. But as long as they've so-so looking, then that's good enough for me.

3. Not sure

- I can't say for sure, but you know
- Well, it's hard to say for certain, but you know
- Wow I have never considered this matter before, but
- Well,  let me think


*Do Vietnamese people like to go to a cinema to watch a film?

Well, let me think, I can see that movie theaters have become an important part of Vietnamese life, and cinemas are packed whenever blockbusters are released. People like to go to a cinema to watch films since they can enjoy the live sound and images on the big screen.

*What was the first film that you watched?

I can't say for sure but I guess it should be an animated film like Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs or Tom and Jery, which was the most popular films among children at my age in the 1990s

4. Saying No

- For me, the answer is obviously no 
- It's certainly a straight no for me
- You might not know this, I don't think


*Do you like your dreams at night?

For me, the answer is obviously no. This is mainly because I often dream about bad experiences in the past and they always put me in a really bad mood. This could affect my whole new day in a negative way.

*Why are dreams so important?

You might not know about this, But I don't think dreams are important because, in my case, they remind me of my bad memories in the past. Moreover, we often forget about our dreams in a few hours after waking up, so they are not of great importance in my opinion.


With this post, I want to give credit to IELTS To Linh. While surfing around on Facebook I found this lesson I just edited it a little bit and post on my blog so I can keep it here for learning purpose.

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