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The one with Melinda Gate's interview

Tackle gender bias/ prejudice/ discrimination

Although we are living in a peaceful world, many women around the world are still encountering gender bias in the workplace. This is happening even in developed countries where women role have been recognized in society. It is important to tackle gender bias because this is a very serious issue that has practical effects in limiting women's career opportunities

Pose a few questions

I joined a TEDxDakao the other day and I was lucky enough as I had a chance to pose a few questions to the speakers at the event

What responsibility do you feel, if any, to write fiction that helps elevate the way the world sees - and treats-girls?

feel a responsibility to write about girls in ways that acknowledge the reality of gender bias

can be destructive and hurtful

Girls who are not contingent upon what boys think of them

bravely escaped slavery

Believe in the social norms he's been taught

Your struggles with anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorder

mental illness

help them feel less alone

accessible introduction to

the are many wonderful novels about young people living with mental illness

I'm stuck for my entire existence inside of one particular consciousness, looking at the world through only one set of eyes

tend to imagine

give someone hope

maintain your optimism

human consciousness

absolute poverty and infant mortality are in decline

feel discouraged

feel despair

it leads me toward apathy rather than action. One of the reasons I loved your book was because you tell the stories of so many people who've held on to their optimism despite ample reason for despair

people who through their hope managed to bring positive change to the world

know how impactful an important story well-told can be

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